Karl Brunner
My PhD research was supervised by the Swiss-American economist Karl Brunner. The attached photos were taken when he worked at the Swiss National Bank in Zurich in 1943. The top photo, which shows Karl Brunner with his wife Rosemarie, has been reprinted in :
Moser, T. and Savioz, M. (2022) Karl Brunner and Monetarism, Cambridge, MA , MIT Press, p 2.
Karl Brunner

Karl and Rosemarie Brunner resting on a mountain hike in Switzerland in 1943.
Outing of the Swiss Nationalbank in May 1943. Foreground left: My grandfather Ernst Weber (1881-1967), President of the SNB. Right (with sunglasses): Karl Brunner. Location: Gätterli on the trail from Viznau to the Rigi.

Left: Karl Brunner. Right: My father Ernst Weber (1916-2009). Location: Kaiserstock, July 1943.
Consulate of Switzerland
From 1993 to 2016, I represented Switzerland in Western Australia as Honorary Consul. The Swiss Consulate in Perth was first attached to the Consulate General in Melbourne and then in Sydney. I participated in numerous official functions and private events with the Ambassador of Switzerland, the Consul General and independently. At that time, about 4000 Swiss nationals living in WA had registered with the Swiss Consulate.
The following photos were taken in the Government House of Western Australia and the Council House of the City of Perth during visits by Ambassador Christian Mühlethaler in 2006 and 2008.

From left to right: Dr Peter Nattrass, Lord Mayor of Perth; Frank Edwards, Chief Executive Officer of the City of Perth; Ambassador Christian Mühlethaler; Dr Juerg Weber, Honorary Consul; Ruth Mühlethaler; Ursula Casaulta; Consul General Peter Casaulta.
From right to left: Kevin Skipworth LVO, Official Secretary; Ambassador Christian Mühlethaler; Dr Ken Michael AC, Governor of Western Australia; Dr Juerg Weber, Honorary Consul.